www.shippingbooks.com is a site operated by the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers, incorporated under Royal Charter (registered number RC000249), whose registered office is at 2nd Floor Warwick House 65-66 Queen Street London EC4R 1EB.
Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers
2nd Floor Warwick House
65-66 Queen Street
Tel. +44 (0) 20 7357 9722
Email: finance@ics.org.uk, enquiries@ics.org.uk
A comprehensive series of peer reviewed books on modern shipping business published by the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers to support the industry with authoritative and high quality reference material.
Up to date information has been sourced from leading shipping research providers to illustrate graphs, charts and tables. Trade routes and ship drawings have been commissioned from talented designers to ensure the highest level of accuracy and complement the engaging reading experience.
Students, Members and Fellows of the Institute should continue to order books via their online account at www.shipbrokers.org